General English Certificate Programme

General English Certificate Programme

  • Teacher
    Mr.Aqeel Azmy
  • Category
    General English
  • Review
    • (20 Reviews)
General English Certificate Programme

Designed for both school leavers and adult learners. This programme is meticulously crafted to enhance your English proficiency across all fronts: reading, writing, speaking, and listening.


  • Develop and enhance listening and speaking skills for effective communication in English.
  • Improve reading comprehension skills for understanding a variety of written texts.
  • Develop writing skills for various purposes, such as emails, letters, and simple essays.
  • Expand vocabulary and improve grammar usage to communicate more effectively.
  • Develop confidence and fluency in using English in everyday life situations.
  • Cultivate cultural awareness and understanding of English-speaking countries.

Course Features

  • Level 1
    Duration : 20 Hours

  • Level 2
    Duration : 30 Hours

  • Level 3
    Duration : 50 Hours